Our Team
Trevor & Kristy
The head boss and her other half! Kristy started Homesteader Farms in 2014 and has been busy growing and evolving the business ever since! Trevor married into the craziness in 2017 and has questioned his sanity every day since then!
Kristy literally runs the whole show, scratches her head at the rest of us, and wonders why on earth she ever started. Trevor operates the bee hives, makes sure the irrigation system keeps flowing, works in his sawmill, and decides when the watermelons are ready to pick.
Carma shows up for comedic relief. Whenever something goes wrong and you need someone to blame, she’s a good one to blame it on because she’s probably not around! Carma is actually an RN in Edmonton, but shows up on the farm every now and again for a sanity break.
She’s also the face behind the website, the newsletters, and quite a few photos. In 2021, she decided to try her hand a flowers to spruce the farm up and has had a lot of fun learning about flowers and making cheerful bouquets.
Doug & Cheryl
Cheryl is actually the other boss. If you can’t find something, just ask Cheryl. Doug is the sometime, part-time, not-quite-all-the-time help, but he’s always right on time for coffee time!
Cheryl keeps us fed and watered, organized, and looked after. Doug is always always there to help no matter how big or small the task. They are the mom and dad of the whole operation and we couldn’t manage without them!
Casual Employees
The group of employees who work for Homesteader Farms changes each year. We are very thankful for the hard working people who have put their heart and soul into helping make our farm what it is.