“Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful, and most noble employment of man”
George Washington
Have you ever walked through the grocery store and looked to see where your vegetables were grown? Or wondered how far they were trucked and when they were actually picked?
Have you ever thought about what chemicals and sprays were used on your veggies or what they had been sprayed with?
That’s perfectly normal, because I ask myself these exact same questions too!
Here at Homesteader farms, we have had the privilege of being raised on a farm with a large garden all our lives. We’ve been active in the garden since the time we were toddlers. Most importantly, we’ve always known what good quality food tastes like. This is exactly what we aim to bring to you!
One of our favourite customers said “These carrots actually taste real!”
That is our goal here on the farm.
We want to share this fresh, organic, locally-grown produce with YOU!